Séminaire INRIabcd

Observing the evolutionary dynamics of cancer cell populations through a mathematical lens

par Dr Lorenzi Tommaso (School of Mathematics and Statistics Mathematical Institute North Haugh University of St Andrews)

Salle de séminaire 4ième étage (Bâtiment CEI-2 Antenne Inria Lyon)

Salle de séminaire 4ième étage

Bâtiment CEI-2 Antenne Inria Lyon

INRIA- antenne Lyon- La Doua Batiment CEI-2 56 Boulevard Niels Bohr 6960 Villeurbanne cedex France
A growing body of evidence supports the idea that solid tumours are complex ecosystems populated by heterogeneous cells, whose dynamics can be described in terms of evolutionary and ecological principles. In this light, it has become increasingly recognised that models that are akin to those arising from mathematical ecology can complement experimental cancer research by capturing the crucial assumptions that underlie given hypotheses, and by offering an alternative means of understanding experimental results that are currently available. This talk deals with partial differential equations modelling the dynamics of structured cancer cell populations. Analyses and numerical simulations of these equations help to uncover fresh insights into the critical mechanisms underpinning tumour progression and the emergence of resistance to anti-cancer therapies.