January 13, 2025 to March 21, 2025
Institut Henri Poincaré
Europe/Paris timezone

This webpage collects preliminary information about the minicourses and other activties planned during the thematic trimester on representation theory and noncommutative geometry at Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris). 

For general information on the trimester, and for the registration form, see the link above.

This webpage will be updated over the next few months. 


January 13 to 17, 2025: minicourses on branching problems and symmetry-breaking operators

There will be at least two minicourses on the topics. These will be coordinated by Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Michaël Pevzner and Birgit Speh. 

Speakers and schedule: TBA

January 27 to 31 and February 3 to 7: minicourses on the Baum–Connes conjecture and the Mackey bijection

There will be two minicourses, one on the Baum–Connes conjecture and one on the Mackey bijection. 

Speakers: Alain Valette and Nigel Higson

Schedule: TBA

February 17 to 21: minicourse on the structure of tempered homogeneous spaces

Speaker: Toshiyuki Kobayashi 

Schedule: TBA

March 3 to 7: p-adic week

Various activities related to the representation theory of reductive p-adic groups will be organized during this week. This will include a minicourse on the Bernstein center by David Renard and a minicourse on the Hochschild homology of reductive p-adic groupd by Maarten Solleveld.

This week will be coordinated by Anne-Marie Aubert, Hung Yean Loke and Monica Nevins. 

Activities and schedule: TBA

March 10 to 14: Theta correspondence week

Various activities related to the theta correspondence will be organized during this week, which will be coordinated by Hung Yean Loke and Tomasz Przebinda.  

Activities and schedule: It will include the following mini-courses:

  • Local theta correspondence, by Chengbo Zhu
  • Howe correspondence for reductive groups over finite fields, by Anne-Marie Aubert
  • Exceptionnal theta correspondences, by Gordan Savin.

March 17 to 21: minicourse on AQFT and causal homogeneous spaces

Speaker: Karl-Hermann Neeb

Schedule: TBA

Institut Henri Poincaré
Amphithéâtre Darboux