23–24 mai 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

This training course is free and will be given in English by videoconference.

This training course is intended for advanced users.

The objective of this training is to explain how the PASAPAS procedure works. The algorithm for solving non-linear quasi-static problems is explained in detail as well as how to modify it when necessary.

Content covered

  • Reminders on Cast3M and the PASAPAS procedure
  • Loop on time steps and thermo-mechanical convergence
  • Mechanical computation
    • UNPAS procedure
    • Exercise 1: following force on a beam
    • Exercise 2: suppressing elements during computation
  • Thermal computation
    • TRANSNON procedure
    • Exercise 3: temperature-dependant heat source
  • Thermo-mechanical coupling
    • Exercise 4: closing a gap by thermal expansion

For more information on the Cast3M software, see the web site:


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This trainning course will take place online by videoconference