18 mars 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Conditional Lifetimes: A nonparametric and recursive approach

18 mars 2024, 14:20
Amphi Lebesgue (IRMAR)

Amphi Lebesgue


Campus de Beaulieu Rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment 22-23 35042 Rennes France


Mme Daphné Arouet (ENSAI/CREST)


Based on the increasing demand for analyzing continuously updated data sets in the context of time-to-event modeling, we propose a novel recursive approach to estimate the conditional hazard function given a set of predictors, when the duration of interest is randomly right-censored. The method is based on a simple representation of the conditional hazard function using a density and a conditional expectation which can be estimated recursively by kernel smoothing. To evaluate the performance of our estimator, we conduct numerical studies and demonstrate its practical utility using a real-world example.

Thématiques Large data sets, Nonparametric statistics, Regression models, Recursive Estimator, Survival analysis

Auteur principal

Mme Daphné Arouet (ENSAI/CREST)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.