Jan 22 – 24, 2025
Tours, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Heat kernel resummations on a constant axial field background

Not scheduled
Amphi E040, building E1, ground floor (Tours, France)

Amphi E040, building E1, ground floor

Tours, France

Institut Denis Poisson Université de Tours Facultés des Sciences et Techniques Parc de Grandmont 37200 Tours FRANCE


César García Pérez


In this poster I will be sharing new calculations concerning heat kernel resummation schemes for quantum fields on a flat spacetime background. While in previous works we presented a heat kernel ansatz for both Yukawa and scalar QED interactions, the results presented here look at the case of a spinor field on a constant axial field background, which can also be seen as a torsion-like interaction. This generalisation of already developed techniques to include spinor fields and torsion effects may serve as a launching point for tackling the more complex curved spacetime case.

Primary author


Diego Mazzitelli (Instituto Balseiro) Sebastian Franchino-Viñas (Università di Genova) Silvia Pla (Technische Universität Munchen) Vincenzo Vitagliano (University of Genova)

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