Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Mechanics (01/24 --> 06/24)

This semester will gather students and researchers working on mathematical topics originating in quantum mechanics. It will particularly focus on open quantum systems, information theory, quantum statistical mechanics, and spectral and scattering theory.
On this occasion Toulouse Mathematics Institute will host international experts on the topicsAffiche web mini.jpg:
Vojkan Jaksic (McGill University, Montreal) will visit Toulouse for the whole semester.
Shu Nakamura (Gakushuin University, Tokyo) will visit one for one month (February-March).
Gregory Berkolaiko (Texas A&M University) will visit one for one month (June).
The semester will be organized around one winter school and three conferences (see below). Other activities will be organized all semester long (courses, workgroup...)
Some funding may be available for visits to Toulouse during the semester. Contact the organizers.
juin 2024
- 24 juin - 28 juin