Séminaire de Physique Théorique

Relating post-Minkowskian and Bondi-Sachs formalisms

par Dr Roberto Oliveri (LUTH, Meudon)

Salle 1180, bâtiment E2 (Salle des séminaires )

Salle 1180, bâtiment E2

Salle des séminaires


I will first outline the construction of an explicit algorithm transforming a post-Minkowskian (PM) metric in harmonic gauge to a metric in radiative gauges, such as Newman-Unti and Bondi gauges. Then, I shall explicitly apply the algorithm to monopole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions up to 2PM order: these interactions comprise tail and memory effects. Moreover, I will provide expressions for the (dressed) Bondi aspects in terms of multipole moments of the gravitational field. These results are relevant to the study of leading and subleading memory effects.