Oct 9 – 11, 2023
LMU Munich
Europe/Paris timezone

Negative spectrum of Schrödinger operators with oscillating potentials

Oct 11, 2023, 9:00 AM
B101 (LMU Munich)


LMU Munich

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Mathematisches Institut Theresienstr. 39 80333 München


Larry Read (LMU)


For a Schrödinger operator $-\Delta-\alpha V$, the decay of the potential $V$ towards infinity determines the finiteness of its negative spectrum. In the particular case where $V$ is asymptotically homogeneous of degree -2, the size of the coupling constant $\alpha$ distinguishes between the generation of finitely or infinitely many negative eigenvalues. In this talk we will show that a similar property holds when the potential has slower decay but oscillates at infinity.

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