24 mars 2023
IMT Toulouse
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Classification of representations of reduced stated skein algebras

24 mars 2023, 09:45
Salle Johnson (IMT Toulouse)

Salle Johnson

IMT Toulouse


Dr Julien Korinman


In this talk, I will introduce a family of algebras named reduced stated skein algebras and present a classification of their finite dimensional (semi-weight) representations.
These representations are conjectured to be the building blocks of some SL_2 TQFT which extend some constructions of Blanchet-Costantino-Geer-Patureau Mirand and Baseilhac-Benedetti.
If time permits, I will explain how we can deduce from this classification some projective representations of the mapping class groups and some new links invariants. This is a joint work with H.Karuo.

Documents de présentation

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