The spin group $Spin(V)$ is the double universal cover of the group $SO(V)$. The spin representations are the only fundamental representations of $Spin(V)$ which do not come from representations of $SO(V)$. The spinor variety $\mathbb S$ is the closed orbit of the highest weight vector in the projectivized spin representation $\mathbb P(\Delta)$. The action of $Spin(V)$ on $\Delta$ induces an action on the secant variety of lines $\sigma(\mathbb S) \subset \mathbb P(\Delta)$. Similarly to the Grassmannian case, we determine the orbits in $\sigma(\mathbb S)$ together with their dimensions and the inclusions among their closures. We apply nonabelian apolarity for determining which points lie on a unique secant or tangent line and we compute the singular locus of $\sigma(\mathbb S)$ via the notion of secant bundle.