Séminaire Orléans

The linear sampling method for random sources

by Hadrien Montanelli

Salle de Séminaires (Orléans)

Salle de Séminaires



We present in this talk an extension of the linear sampling method for solving the sound-soft inverse acoustic scattering problem with randomly distributed point sources. The theoretical justification of our method is based on the Helmholtz–Kirchhoff identity, the cross-correlation between measurements, and the volume and imaginary near-field operators. Implementations in MATLAB using boundary elements, the SVD, Tikhonov regularization, and Morozov’s discrepancy principle will also be discussed.

arXiv: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.15560.pdf

Blog post: https://hadrien-montanelli.github.io/2022-11-04.html