Équations différentielles motiviques et au–delà

Poisson brackets and flat connections /CANCELLED

by Prof. Anton Alexeev (Université de Genève)

IHP salle 01

IHP salle 01

11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005, Paris
The seminar is cancelled (announced for the next year) 
because of the STRIKE of SNCF-Sud

A flat connection with regular singularities on a complex plane is characterized by its residues at singular points. A theorem of Hitchin establishes a surprizing link between the linear Kirillov-Kostant-Souriau (KKS)Poisson bracket on the residues and the Goldman bracket on traces of holonomies corresponding to closed loops. In this talk, we will show how to generalize this result to regularized holonomies corresponding to paths starting and ending at singular points. Our main technical tool is a version of the Drinfeld's pentagon equation suitable for paths with self-intersections.
The talk is based on a joint work in progress with Florian Naef and Muze Ren.
Organized by

Volodya Roubtsov