Séminaire Géométries ICJ

Amoebas of random half-dimensional complete intersections

par Özgür Kişisel

112 (ICJ)



1er étage bâtiment Braconnier, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - La Doua
Due to a theorem of Passare and Rullg\aa rd, the area of the amoeba of a degree d algebraic curve in the complex projective plane is bounded above by π2d2/2. A theorem of Mikhalkin generalizes this result to half-dimensional complete intersections as follows: Let V be a complete intersection of hypersurfaces of degrees d1,d2,,dn in CPn and let A(V) denote its amoeba. Then Vol(A(V))π2n(d1d2dn)2/2. My goal in this talk will be to show that if the defining polynomials of the complete intersection are chosen at random with respect to Kostlan distribution, then there exists a constant c independent of the di's such that the expected volume of the amoeba satisfies the inequality E(A(V))cd1d2dn. This result generalizes to other Newton polytopes as well. This is joint work with Turgay Bayraktar.