Séminaire Physique mathématique ICJ

Twisted gauge fields, twistors and gauge anomalies

par Jordan Francois

Fokko du Cloux (Braconnier)

Fokko du Cloux



We present a conservative generalisation of vector bundles associated to a principal bundle P. These are constructed via 1-cocycles of the action of the structure group H on P. The adapted notion of connection on P needed for the covariant derivation of sections of these bundles naturally extends Ehresmann connections. These sections and connections are generalised gauge fields. We propose two illustrations. First, we consider a way to obtain local twistors and their connection as end products of a gauge symmetry reduction of the conformal Cartan geometry: thus built, twistors appear as a clear instance of generalised gauge fields. Second, we elaborate on the link between our geometry and anomalous gauge theories (either classical or quantum). 

Organisé par

Thomas Strobl