Cours de l'IHES 2021-2022

Algebraic Representations of Ergodic Actions (2/4)

by Prof. Uri Bader (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane (IHES)

Amphithéâtre Léon Motchane


Le Bois-Marie 35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette

Ergodic Theory is a powerful tool in the study of linear groups. When trying to crystallize its role, emerges the theory of AREAs, that is Algebraic Representations of Ergodic Actions, which provides a categorical framework for various previously studied concepts and methods. Roughly, this theory extends the focus of Representation Theory from Groups to Group Actions, exploiting the tension between Ergodic Theory and Algebraic Geometry. In this series of talks I will introduce this theory and survey some of its applications, focusing on Superrigidity and Arithmeticity results.


IHES Covid-19 regulations:

- all the participants who will attend the event in person will have to keep their mask on in indoor spaces
and where the social distancing is not possible;
- speakers will be free to wear their mask or not at the moment of their talk if they feel more comfortable
without it;
- Up to 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to be able to provide a health pass
- Over 25 persons in the conference room, every participant will be asked to provide a health pass which will
be checked at the entrance of the conference room.


From the same series
1 3 4
Organized by

Emmanuel Ullmo
