TOUTELIA 2021 : Geometry, Topology and AI

Amphiteatre Schwartz

Amphiteatre Schwartz

IMT, Université Paul Sabatier
Francesco Costantino (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

Date : September the 10th 2021

Place : Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT), Amphithéatre Schwartz



This conference will be part of a series of four similar sessions dedicated to interactions of AI with other branches of mathematics.

The goal of the session will be to outline some interactions between topological and geometrical ideas and AI.

On one side we will see how AI performs in studying geometric or topological objects. On the otherside we will hear about techniques using geometric or topological ideas to improve machine learning.

If the sanitary conditions will allow it, the conference will be held in presence.

The speakers will be :

The titles of the talks will be announced directly on the schedule.
