- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Organisms as cells, and more generally individuals, can self-organize through different mechanisms leading to elaborate population behaviors. Mathematical models have proved to be essential to understand the underlying dynamics.
This workshop will bring together specialists who consider these questions either from a theoretical point of view or with specific applications in view. Specific topics will cover tumor growth, mosquitoes control, pattern formation...
It will be held on Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, the new name of former Campus Jussieu, in Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions.
Registration is free but compulsory to help organization.
Invited speakers
See Speaker List
Scientific Committee
Luis Almeida
Benoît Perthame
Diane Peurichard
Delphine Salort
Support : ERC Adora