22–25 mai 2018
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Stability of multi-solitons for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation

23 mai 2018, 15:20
Salle de Réunion - Bâtiment M2 (Laboratoire Paul Painlevé)

Salle de Réunion - Bâtiment M2

Laboratoire Paul Painlevé


Stefan Le Coz


The nonlinear Schrödinger equation with derivative cubic nonlinearity (dNLS) is a model quasilinear dispersive equation. It admits a family of solitons, which are orbitally stable in the energy space. After a review of the many interesting properties of dNLS, we will present a result of orbital stability of multi-solitons configurations in the energy space, and some ingredients of the proof.

Documents de présentation

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