Analyse Complexe, Géométrie Complexe et Applications
Monday, December 11, 2017 (8:30 AM)
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 (6:00 PM)
Monday, December 11, 2017
8:30 AM
Acceuil des participants / Reception of participants
Acceuil des participants / Reception of participants
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM
Room: Amphi Herpin
9:15 AM
Ouverture / Opening
Jean Chambaz
Président de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Ouverture / Opening
Jean Chambaz
Président de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie
9:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Room: Amphi Herpin
9:30 AM
D. H. Phong
University of Columbia
D. H. Phong
University of Columbia
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Room: Amphi Herpin
10:30 AM
Pause café
Pause café
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Twistor families of categories
M. Kontsevich
Twistor families of categories
M. Kontsevich
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room: Amphi Herpin
I will give a definition of a twistor family (Cζ), ζ belonging to the Riemann sphere, of triangulated categories. The propotypical example is the family of derived categories of coherent sheaves on compact hyperkähler manifold, endowed with complex structures parametrized by twistor parameter ζ. Another basic example comes from Simpson's non-abelian Hodge theory. In a joint work (in progress) with Y.Soibelman we propose a general approach to twistor families using Fukaya categories associated with holomorphic symplectic manifolds. The most clean case is the product of an elliptic curve and C*. For ζ≠0,∞ the corresponding category has a decription in terms of elliptic difference equations. Harmonic objects are solutions of Bogomolony equations on 3-dimensional torus with isolated singularities. The universal family of categories in this example is parametrized by the non-Hausdorff quotient (CP2 -RP2)/GL(3; Z).
2:00 PM
Geometric substructures, uniruled projective subvarieties, and applications to Kähler geometry
N. Mok
University of Hong Kong
Geometric substructures, uniruled projective subvarieties, and applications to Kähler geometry
N. Mok
University of Hong Kong
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Room: Amphi Herpin
In a series of articles with Jun-Muk Hwang starting from the late 1990s, we introduced a geometric theory of uniruled projective manifolds based on the variety of minimal rational tangents (VMRT), i.e., the collection of tangents to minimal rational curves on a uniruled projective manifold (X;K) equipped with a minimal rational component. This theory provides differential-geometric tools for the study of uniruled projective manifolds, especially Fano manifolds of Picard number 1. Associated to (X;K) is the fibered space π:C(X)→X of VMRTs called the VMRT structure on (X;K). I will discuss germs of complex submanifolds S on (X;K) inheriting geometric substructures, to be called sub-VMRT structures, obtained from intersections of VMRTs with tangent subspaces, i.e., from ϖ : C(S) →S, C(S) := C(X) \ PT(S). Central to our study is the characterization of certain classical Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 or special uniruled projective subvarieties on them in terms of VMRTs and sub-VMRTs. As applications I will relate the theory to the existence and uniqueness of certain classes of holomorphic isometries into bounded symmetric domains. For uniqueness results parallel transport (holonomy), a notion of fundamental importance both in Kähler geometry and in the study of sub-VMRT structures, will play an important role.
3:00 PM
G. Marinescu
Universität zu Köln
G. Marinescu
Universität zu Köln
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Room: Amphi Herpin
4:00 PM
Pause café
Pause café
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
4:30 PM
Unique ergodicity for foliations
N. Sibony
Université d'Orsay
Unique ergodicity for foliations
N. Sibony
Université d'Orsay
4:30 PM - 5:20 PM
Room: Amphi Herpin
Consider the polynomial differential equation in C² dz/dt = P(z;w); dw/dt = Q(z;w): The polynomials P and Q are holomorphic, the time is complex. In order to study the global behavior of the solutions, it is convenient to consider the extension as a foliation in the projective plane P². I will discuss some recent results around the following questions. What is the ergodic theory of such systems? How do the leaves distribute in a generic case? What is the topology of generic leaves?
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
9:30 AM
Hypoelliptic deformation, self-adjointness, and analytic torsion
J.-M. Bismut
Université d'Orsay
Hypoelliptic deformation, self-adjointness, and analytic torsion
J.-M. Bismut
Université d'Orsay
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Room: Amphi Astier
The purpose of the talk is to explain the construction of non self-adjoint Hodge Laplacians, which naturally deform classical Hodge theory. If X is a compact Riemannian manifold, let X be the total space of its tangent bundle. The deformed Hodge Laplacian is constructed over X. It is a hypoelliptic operator on X, which is essentially the sum of a harmonic oscillator and of the generator of the geodesic flow. In the real case, the symplectic form of X is used in its construction. Applications to analytic torsion, real and holomorphic, will be given. Time permitting, connections with Selberg's trace formula will be explained.
10:30 AM
Pause café
Pause café
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Pluri-Hodge Decomposition and Associated Jacobian
Y-T. Siu
Univesity of Harvard
Pluri-Hodge Decomposition and Associated Jacobian
Y-T. Siu
Univesity of Harvard
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Room: Amphi Astier
2:00 PM
Multidimensional inverse scattering problem
R. Novikov
École Polytechnique
Multidimensional inverse scattering problem
R. Novikov
École Polytechnique
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Room: Amphi Astier
We give a review of old and recent results on the multidimensional inverse scattering problem related with works of G.M. Henkin. This talk is based, in particular, on the following references: ▶ G.M. Henkin, R.G. Novikov, The dbar-equation in the multidimensional inverse scat- tering problem, Russ. Math. Surv. 42(3), 109-180, 1987; ▶ G.M. Henkin, N.N. Novikova, The reconstruction of the attracting potential in the Sturm-Liouville equation through characteristics of negative discrete spectrum, Stud. Appl. Math. 97, 17-52, 1996; ▶ R.G. Novikov, The dbar-approach to monochromatic inverse scattering in three dimen- sions, J. Geom. Anal. 18, 612-631, 2008; ▶ R.G. Novikov, Formulas for phase recovering from phaseless scattering data at fixed frequency, Bull. Sci. Math. 139, 923-936, 2015.
3:00 PM
Pause café
Pause café
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM
Remarks on superforms and supercurrents
B. Berndtsson
Göteborgs Universitet
Remarks on superforms and supercurrents
B. Berndtsson
Göteborgs Universitet
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM
Room: Amphi Astier
This is basically a survey of Lagerberg's work on superforms and supercurrents, with some additions. We will illustrate the formalism with a proof of Weyl's tube formula and state a conjecture related to the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality.