Séminaire MACS (Modélisation, Analyse et Calcul Scientifique).

Diffusion redistanciation schemes for higher order geometric motion and application to red blood cells

par Emmanuel Maitre (LJK, Grenoble)

4e étage, salle 435 (UMPA, ENS Lyon - Site Monod)

4e étage, salle 435

UMPA, ENS Lyon - Site Monod

ENS de Lyon, 46 Allée d'Italie
In this talk we will present a new way to compute steady state solutions to the Willmore problem using a diffusion scheme on a distance function coupled with a redistanciation step following Esedoglu et al. (2010), where we added an area and volume constraints. In this approach, a complex nonlinear flow could be approximated by a combination of diffusion equations. This could be used as an efficient predictor step for the full fluid-structure coupling problem.