Séminaire Logique mathématique ICJ

About model theoretic dynamics in a Galois fashion.

par Daniel Hoffmann (Wroclaw)

I will speak about my last draft "Model theoretic dynamics in a Galois fashion". Assume that we dispose of some theory $T$, which has a stable model companion, and we are interested in models of $T$ equipped with a group action of a fixed group $G$. Maybe it is more reasonable, but for sure more desirable, to ask about existentially closed models, i.e. about model companion $T'$ of a theory which models are models of $T$ equipped with a group action of group $G$. I will present results from my draft about simplicity, quantifier elimination, elimination of imaginaries and description of algebraic/definable closure for $T'$. At some point, I will try to explain my motivation for this research.