Jun 23 – 27, 2014
Université Lille 1
Europe/Paris timezone
Cette page en français

The purpose of the conference is to bring together well renowned experts in algebra and number theory in order to focus on the latest advances in the fields where the laboratories of Lille and its region are particularly involved: noncommutative algebra, quadratic forms, arithmetic geometry, Galois theory and analytic number theory.

Gautami Bhowmik (Lille) Niels Borne (Lille) Baptiste Calmès (Artois) Pierre Dèbes (Lille)
Mladen Dimitrov (Lille) Ahmed Laghribi (Artois) André Leroy (Artois)  

Invited speakers:
ANDRADE, Julio (Brown University) BILLEREY, Nicolas (Université Clermont-Ferrand 2)
BOECKLE, Gebhard (Heidelberg University) BRUNAULT, François (École normale supérieure de Lyon)
DIEULEFAIT, Luis (Universitat de Barcelona) FACCHINI, Alberto (University of Padova)
FERRER-SANTOS, Walter (Univ. de la Republica, Montevideo) GOLDSTEIN, Catherine (Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu)
HARARI, David (Université Paris-Sud) HARBATER, David (University of Pennsylvania)
KAHN, Bruno (CNRS - Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu) KOHNEN, Winfried (Universität Heidelberg)
MATTHIESEN, Lilian (Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu) PLAGNE, Alain (École polytechnique)
RAMERO, Lorenzo (Université Lille 1) SILBERSTEIN, Aaron (University of Pennsylvania)
SOLÉ, Patrick (Telecom ParisTech) TIGNOL, Jean-Pierre (Université catholique de Louvain)
VISHIK, Alexander (University of Nottingham) WIESE, Gabor (Université du Luxembourg)
WITTENBERG, Olivier (École normale supérieure)


Université Lille 1
Salle de réunions
U.M.R. CNRS 8524 U.F.R. de Mathématiques 59 655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cédex
General information
Conference map

Number theory days

Public transportation


How to get to the conference from the center of Lille by subway:

from Lille Flandres (or Rihour) station, you need about twenty minutes to reach our department. Take the direct subway, direction "4 cantons", and get off at "cité scientifique". Once there you can follow in the same direction as the (aboveground) subway. You will soon see a building with a huge radio antenna on your right : it is the M1 building. Our department is just behind, in the M2 building. The conference will take place in the M2 building, first floor, salle de réunions. Some maps can be found here.


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