Séminaire Physique mathématique ICJ

Integrable systems on (multiplicative) quiver varieties

par Maxime Fairon

112 (Bat. Braconnier)


Bat. Braconnier


Following the pioneering work of Wilson who realised the phase space of the (classical complex) Calogero-Moser system as a quiver variety, Chalykh and Silantyev observed in 2017 that various generalisations of this integrable system can be constructed on quiver varieties associated with cyclic quivers. Building on these results, I will explain how such systems can be visualised at the level of quivers, and how to prove that we can form (degenerately) integrable systems. I will then outline how this construction can be adapted to obtain generalisations of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider system if one uses multiplicative quiver varieties associated with the same quivers. The main tool that I want to advertise is the notion of double (quasi-)Poisson brackets due to Van den Bergh. This talk is based on several works, including collaborations with Oleg Chalykh and Tamàs Görbe.

Organisé par

Johannes Kellendonk