In classical Statistics and Multivariate Data Analysis data is usually represented in a matrix where each row represents a statistical unit, or “individual”, for which one single value is recorded for each numerical or categorical variable (in columns). This representation model is however too restricted when the data to be analysed comprises variability. That is the case when the entities under analysis are not single elements, but groups formed on the basis of some given common properties and the observed variability within each group should be taken into account. To this aim, new variable types have been introduced, whose realizations are not single real values or categories, but sets, intervals, or distributions over a given domain. Symbolic Data Analysis provides a framework for the representation and analysis of such data, taking into account their inherent variability. In this talk, we consider the case of aggregate numerical data described by empirical distributions, known as histogram data. Linear models for such distributional variables are proposed, which rely on the representation of histograms or intervals by the associated quantile functions, under specific assumptions. These then allow for multivariate analysis of distributional-valued data, e.g. multiple linear regression or linear discriminant analysis. Applications of the proposed approach will be presented.