Séminaire Géométries ICJ

Constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics and the Einstein-Hilbert functional

par Carlo Scarpa (Lyon 1)


One of the most studied problems in Differential Geometry is the existence of Riemannian metrics with constant scalar curvature.

In the 80s the celebrated solution of the Yamabe problem by Trudinger, Aubin, and Schoen established that on a closed manifold one can always find a constant scalar curvature metric, in each conformal class of Riemannian metrics. In the context of Kähler geometry however the problem is still largely open.

In this talk I will present some progress in an ongoing project with Abdellah Lahdili (Université du Québec à Montréal) and Eveline Legendre, in which we propose an approach to the existence of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics that uses tools that first appeared in the solution of the CR-Yamabe problem, most notably a version of the Einstein-Hilbert functional.

Time permitting, I will explain how our methods can be used to recover a well-know algebraic obstruction to the existence of constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics.