29 mai 2017 à 2 juin 2017
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Witten's perturbation on strata with general adapted metrics

29 mai 2017, 16:25
Amphi Schwartz IMT building 1R3 (TOULOUSE)

Amphi Schwartz IMT building 1R3


Paul Sabatier University


M. Jesus Alvarez Lopez


The lecture is about a version of the Morse inequalities that we have proved on strata. The proof uses the minimum and maximum ideal boundary conditions of the Witten's perturbation of the de Rham complex, with respect to what we call a relative Morse function and a general adapted metric. This can be considered as a result about intersection cohomology with arbitrary perversities. All details of the proof were recently finished, correcting some computations of a previous version. This is a joint work with Manuel Calaza and Carlos Franco.

Documents de présentation