Séminaire de Physique Théorique

A Carrollian perspective on asymptotically flat bulk gravitational charges

par Dr Matthieu Vilatte (Ecole Polytechnique)

Salle 1180, bâtiment E2 (Salle des séminaires )

Salle 1180, bâtiment E2

Salle des séminaires


In this talk, I will present a way to relate bulk gravitational charges in asymptotically flat four-dimensional gravity to Carrollian charges that can be computed directly on the null conformal boundary of such spacetimes. After a crash course on Carrollian geometry and the way to build currents and charges, we will see how to characterize their (non) conservation. The reconstruction of a bulk metric, given a set of data living on the boundary, will then be developed in the context of a Carrollian covariant version of the Newmann-Unti gauge. Finally, I will show how to relate bulk isometries to boundary ones and, from there, how to relate the associated charges, illustrating this point with the example of stationary spacetimes.