Séminaire de Physique Théorique

Study of Early Warning during the low-latency search for compact binary coalescence using the MBTA pipeline

par Dr Christopher Allene (Annecy, LAPP)

Salle 1180, bâtiment E2 (Salle des séminaires )

Salle 1180, bâtiment E2

Salle des séminaires


On 14 September 2015, the first direct detection of gravitational waves emitted by the coalescence of a binary system of black holes took place. Since then, there have been around a hundred detections, including GW170817, the first multi-messenger GW/EM detection. This search for rare events has led low-latency detection pipelines to develop Early Warning techniques, with a view to providing advance warning of the arrival of the EM signal at observatories such as MAGIC and CTA. In this presentation, a brief introduction to gravitational waves will be followed by a description of the MBTA low-latency pipeline and the Early Warning system in place. The inter-research coincidence project on which I worked during my thesis will be developed.