Séminaire Géométries ICJ

Trisections in colored tensor models

par Riccardo Martini

112 (ICJ)



1er étage bâtiment Braconnier, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - La Doua

Tensor models are an approach to quantum gravity aiming at define a partition function for the set of random colored triangulations. In this context, the Feynman diagrams of tensor models are thought of as the dual 1-skeleton of the triangulation. However, the set of configurations generated by these models is extremely large and, up to some particular limit, hard to classify. Therefore, a better knowledge of the topological properties encoded in the triangulations might shed some light on the organization of the partition function. With this in mind, we study a recently developed topological construction formulated by Gay and Kirby in 2015 to study 4-manifolds, i.e., trisections. A trisection of a 4-manifold is a generalization of a Heegaard split for a 3-manifold, where the 4-manifold is divided in three 1-handlebodies and their common intersection is a compact surface. We will show how to obtain a trisection from the color structure inherited by tensor models and we will discuss how one can obtain trisection diagrams from the combinatorics of the tensor model graph.