Séminaire de Systèmes Dynamiques

On the piecewise linear perturbations of the doubling map

by Kuntal Banerjee (Presidency University, Kolkata)

207 (Bat 1R2)


Bat 1R2


The family of piecewise linear perturbations of the doubling map (PLPDM) is defined as follows:
$$ f_{a,b}= \left(2x+a+\frac{b}{2} S(x) \right) \mod 1 \quad {\text {for }} x\in \mathbb T=\mathbb R/\mathbb Z$$ where $S(x)$ is the piecewise linear (PL) approximation to $\sin 2\pi(x-\frac{1}{4})$. The parameter space of this family is $\mathcal P=\{(a,b):a\in \mathbb R, 0\le b<1\}$.

Define the union of the hyperbolic components as $$\mathcal{H}= \{ (a,b) \in [0,1]^2 : f_{a,b} \text{ has an attracting cycle}\}.$$
Tongues are defined as the components of $\mathcal{H}$ that touch the ceiling $b=1$. Any other component will be referred to as an Eye.

We show the existence of the tongues and finiteness of attracting cycles for any map in this family associated to a parameter belonging to a hyperbolic component of $\mathcal H$. We also discuss the transitivity of the maps in this family, the possible nature of wandering intervals and a new type of bifurfaction in this family. Some experimental proof of eyes in the parameter space will be shown as well.

This is a joint work with Anubrato Bhattacharyya with inputs from Alexandre Dezotti.