Séminaire de Statistique et Optimisation

Fast Online Changepoint Detection via Functional Pruning CUSUM statistics

by Guillem Rigaill (IRAE, LaMMe)

Salle K. Johnson, 1er étage (1R3)

Salle K. Johnson, 1er étage



Many modern applications of online changepoint detection require the ability to process high-frequency observations, sometimes with limited available computational resources. Online algorithms for detecting a change in mean often involve using a moving window, or specifying the expected size of change. Such choices affect which changes the algorithms have most power to detect. We introduce an algorithm, Functional Online CuSUM (FOCuS), which is equivalent to running these earlier methods simultaneously for all sizes of window, or all possible values for the size of change. Our theoretical results give tight bounds on the expected computational cost per iteration of FOCuS, with this being logarithmic in the number of observations.


Joint work with : Gaetano Romano, Idris Eckley and Paul Fearnhead @Lancaster University
Links : https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.08205 or https://www.jmlr.org/papers/v24/21-1230.html