Séminaire de Géométrie Complexe

Equivariant geometry of quadric bundles and maximal subgroups of Cremona groups

par Sokratis Zikas (Université de Poitiers)


Maximal connected algebraic subgroups of the group of birational transformations Bir(X) of a variety $X$ appear as automorphism groups of Mori fiber spaces birational to $X$. When $X = \mathbb{P}^n$, for $n = 2$ or $3$ we have a classification of such groups and the models they act on, while in dimension 4 and more this is an open problem. In this talk we will explore the equivariant geometry of a class of quadric fibrations over $\mathbb{P}^1$. As a result, we will see how their automorphism groups gives us families of maximal subgroups of $Bir(\mathbb{P}^n)$ for any $n$ at least 4. This is work in progress, joint with Enrica Floris.