Séminaire des Doctorants et Doctorantes

A Feigin-Frenkel theorem with n singularities

par Luca Casarin

Salle Fokko Ducloux (ICJ)

Salle Fokko Ducloux



It is now a well know theorem by Feigin-Frenkel that the center of the completed enveloping algebra of the affine algebra g^k at the critical level is canonically isomorphic to the algebra of functions on the space of Opers
over the pointed formal disc OpGL(D). Starting from the work of Fortuna, Lombardo, Maffei and Melani I will introduce an analogue of the affine
algebra with n singularities. We then proceed to discuss an analogue of the
Feigin-Frenkel theorem in this new setting, which establishes an isomorphism
with the center of the completed enveloping algebra in the case with n
singularities with the algebra of functions on the space of Opers over the
n-pointed formal disc OpGL(Dn). I will focus on the main ingredients of the
proof and the various compatibilities that these isomorphisms satisfy with
respect to the original Feigin-Frenkel isomorphism.