
Some contributions to deep learning theory: optimization, robustness, and approximation

par El Mehdi Achour (IMT)

Amphithéâtre Laurent Schwartz, bâtiment 1R3 (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Amphithéâtre Laurent Schwartz, bâtiment 1R3

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse

118 route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9

In this thesis, we study different theoretical aspects of deep learning, in particular optimization, robustness, and approximation.

Optimization: We study the optimization landscape of deep linear neural networks with the square loss. It is known that, under weak assumptions, there are no spurious local minima and no local maxima. However, the existence and diversity of non-strict saddle points, which can play a role in first-order algorithms' dynamics, have only been lightly studied. We go a step further with a full analysis of the optimization landscape at order $2$. We characterize, among all critical points, which are global minimizers, strict saddle points, and non-strict saddle points. We enumerate all the associated critical values. The characterization is simple, involves conditions on the ranks of partial matrix products, and sheds some light on global convergence or implicit regularization that have been proved or observed when optimizing linear neural networks. In passing, we provide an explicit parameterization of the set of all global minimizers and exhibit large sets of strict and non-strict saddle points. 

Robustness: We study the theoretical properties of orthogonal convolutional layers. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions on the layer architecture guaranteeing the existence of an orthogonal convolutional transform. The conditions prove that orthogonal convolutional transforms exist for almost all architectures used in practice for 'circular' padding. We also exhibit limitations with 'valid' boundary conditions and 'same' boundary conditions with zero-padding. Recently, a regularization term imposing the orthogonality of convolutional layers has been proposed, and impressive empirical results have been obtained in different applications (Wang et al. 2020). The second motivation is to specify the theory behind this. We make the link between this regularization term and orthogonality measures. In doing so, we show that this regularization strategy is stable with respect to numerical and optimization errors and that, in the presence of small errors and when the size of the signal/image is large, the convolutional layers remain close to isometric. The theoretical results are confirmed with experiments and the landscape of the regularization term is studied. Experiments on real datasets show that when orthogonality is used to enforce robustness, the parameter multiplying the regularization term can be used to tune a tradeoff between accuracy and orthogonality, for the benefit of both accuracy and robustness. Altogether, the study guarantees that the regularization proposed in Wang et al. (2020) is an efficient, flexible and stable numerical strategy to learn orthogonal convolutional layers. 

Approximation: We study the fundamental limits to the expressive power of neural networks. Given two sets $F$, $G$ of real-valued functions, we first prove a general lower bound on how well functions in $F$ can be approximated in $L^p(\mu)$ norm by functions in $G$, for any $p \geq 1$ and any probability measure $\mu$. The lower bound depends on the packing number of $F$, the range of $F$, and the fat-shattering dimension of $G$. We then instantiate this bound to the case where $G$ corresponds to a piecewise-polynomial feed-forward neural network, and describe in details the application to two sets $F$: Hölder balls and multivariate monotonic functions. Beside matching (known or new) upper bounds up to log factors, our lower bounds shed some light on the similarities or differences between approximation in $L^p$ norm or in sup norm, solving an open question by DeVore et al. (2021). Our proof strategy differs from the sup norm case and uses a key probability result of Mendelson (2002).