Workshop on Cavitation, bubble collapse and mass transfer

IRMA, université de Strasbourg

IRMA, université de Strasbourg

IRMA, UMR 7501 7 rue René-Descartes 67084 Strasbourg Cedex

Objective of the workshop

Cavitation occurs in a variety of fluids and technologies such as engine combustion, rocket
engine, lubrication, marine propulsion, hydraulic pumps and turbines, medical applications, cleaning
water, chemical procedia. In most cases, the apparition of cavitation leads to several drawbacks and damages (erosion, vibration, efficiency decrease, head drop, noise, etc

This workshop marks the end of the ASCA project, the French ANR-18-CE46-0009-03 project : Advanced numerical Simulation for CAvitation: HPC, numerical and physical modelling, non equilibrium thermodynamics, large scale simulation.

In this workshop, we will address the physics and the modelling of cavitating flows, bubble collapse and mass transfer. The goal is to share physical mechanism comprehension, modelling methods, difficulties, (rigorous or more phenomenological) analysis, allowing the description of multiphase flows with mass transfer.




The talks will start the morning of Tuesday 31 noon and finish Wednesday 1. The workshop follows the
Fourth Workshop on Compressible Multiphase Flows.

Keynote Speakers

Henda Djeridi, LEGI
Turbulence et cavitation, l’interaction de deux phénomènes complexes

Kevin Schmidmayer
Modélisation et simulation diphasique compressible

Rémi Abgrall, UZH - Institute of Mathematics
Sur la modélisation des écoulements multiphasiques compressibles


Authors are invited to submit a title and a short abstract of their contribution. The presentation will be 20 minutes long plus 5 minutes of question. There are no fees registration but registration (authors and participants) is mandatory.

Practical informations

Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg (map).

Nous aurons rendez-vous le mardi 31 Mai au restaurant La Maison Kammerzell, Place de la cathédrale, Strasbourg (map).

Organizing committee

Yannick Hoarau and Eric Goncalves


