There is a registration fee of 50 € (only for permanent researchers, except invited speakers), which includes lunches and coffee breaks for May 19 and 20, and the social dinner. The registration fee is payable through a "bon de commande" (order form) or if this is not possible, by cash directly on the first day of the conference. (Payment by credit card is not possible).
For the "bon de commande", please write the order form to
Université de Limoges
Pôle Recherche
CSP Service Financier
33 rue François Mitterrand
87032 LIMOGES Cedex
N° SIRET : 198 706 699 00321
APE : 8542 Z
TVA Intra : FR 13 198706 699
and send it by email to or by regular mail to the address:
Sophie Queille
Laboratoire XLIM - MATHIS
Colloque SMD 2019
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
123 avenue Albert Thomas
87060 LIMOGES Cedex
(In order to facilitate billing, please include your SIRET number, your APE code and your VAT number).