5–6 nov. 2015
Université Paris Descartes
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
List of accepted contributions for the poster session available!

Low-velocity scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws with constrains

6 nov. 2015, 11:45
Amphi Lavoisier A, 3rd floor (Université Paris Descartes)

Amphi Lavoisier A, 3rd floor

Université Paris Descartes

45 rue des Saints Pères 75006 PARIS


Martin Parisot (ANGE, Inria Paris Rocquencourt)


This talk is devoted to the numerical approximation of first order conservation laws under constraints. The proposed strategy is based on a relaxation of the constraints in order to get a system of hyperbolic conservation laws. However, the new system have to be considerate at the limit of the relaxation parameter goes to zero to ensure the (formal) consistency with the initial model. We will explain how this limit is analogous to a low-Mach asymptotic and we will propose several examples and illustrations.

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