Kick-off EoCoE-II

Maison de la Simulation USR 3441 Bâtiment 565 - Digiteo CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex

Welcome to the registration page of the EoCoE-II Kick-off meeting.

Kick-off location:

Maison de la Simulation
USR 3441 Bâtiment 565 - Digiteo
CEA Saclay
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex

Social dinner

Social dinner will be organized the 13th of February in Paris in the evening at 8:00PM at La Coupole ( 102, boulevard de Montparnasse, 75014, PARIS ).

Kick-off agenda for the 14th of February:

8 : 30 Registration
9 : 00 Welcome and general presentations of EoCoE-II
9 : 20 WP7 - Project structure and ECG presentation
9 : 50 WP1 : Overview of the scientific challenge
10 : 00 Presentation of all scientific challenges (5x10mn by the scientific leaders)
10 : 50 Break and group photo

11 : 20 Presentation of WP 2-5 (4x20mn by the work package leaders)

12 : 40 Lunch

13 : 40 Discussion of each SC, interaction with TC, bottle-neck,… (5x20mn)
15 : 20 Break
15 : 50 WP6 presentation and discussion about communication strategy
16 : 20 Discussion about the online software portal
16 : 40 Discussion about project tools
17 : 00 Discussion of collaborations: Other CoEs, FocusCoE,....

17 : 15 Wrap up and conclusion