From Molecules and Cells to Human Health : Ideas and concepts

Marilyn and James Simons Conference Center (IHES)

Marilyn and James Simons Conference Center


35 route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette

Organizing Committee

     Mikhail GROMOV (IHES)
     Annick HAREL-BELLAN  (CNRS-CEA/Univ. Paris-Sud & IHES)
     Nava SEGEV (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago)

Scientific Committee

     Nava Segev (UIC, USA), Chair
     David Drubin (UC-Berkeley, USA)
     Bruno Goud (Institut Curie, FR)
     Nissim Hay (UIC, USA)


Goal: The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from different areas of biology to discuss with scientists from other disciplines the influence of the molecular biology revolution on current research in biology.  Topics will range from investigating specific molecular players, through pathways, to omics and organisms.


     • Molecular Machines
     • Cellular Pathways and Mechanisms
     • Intra-and Extra-Cellular Coordination and Communication
     • Genomes and Cell Fate
     • Disease, Cancer and Aging


There will be four kinds of sessions: Plenary Talks, Discussions, Poster sessions and Workshops.

Plenary Talks: 45-minute talks will be given by invited speakers followed by a short discussion after each talk.

Panel Discussions: At the end of each day, a panel that includes speakers and mediators will discuss issues related to the topic.The audience will be encouraged to participate.

Poster Sessions: Attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster sessions that will take place every day during the lunch break. Some abstracts will be selected by the Scientific Committee for short presentations.

Workshops:  Appropriate abstracts will be selected by the Scientific Committee for Workshops designed for exploring ideas in theoretical biology.

Extended discussions:  On Saturday March 10 conference rooms in IHES will be available for further discussions.


I. Molecular Machines

Resolving proteins structure and interactions to understand molecular machines

John Christodoulou  (UCL, UK), Charlie Boone (UToronto, CA), Tom Kerppola (UMich, US), Mark Hochstrasser (Yale, US),  Tomas Kirchhausen  (Harvard, US)                                         

II. Cellular Pathways and Mechanisms

Combining classical and molecular genetics to decipher cellular pathways and mechanisms

Vivek Malhotra (CRG, ES), Alberto Luini (IBP, IT), Jingshi Shen (UColorado, US), David Drubin (Berkeley, US), Judith Klumperman (Utrecht, NL)                                       

III. Intra-and Extra-Cellular Coordination and Communication

Pathway regulation and coordination and cell communication

Nava Segev (UIC, US), Keith Mostov (UCSF, US), Yves Barral (ETHZ, CH), Bruno Goud (Institut Curie, FR),  Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil (Institut Curie, FR)

IV. Genomes and Cell fate

Genome expression and manipulation

Romain Koszul (Pasteur, FR), Ben Lehner (EMBL-CRG, ES), Joel Bader (JHU, US), Miguel Seabra (FCM, PT),  Jean-Philippe Vert (ENS Paris - MINES ParisTech - Institut Curie - INSERM)

V. Disease, Cancer and Aging

From sequencing genomes to cracking human disease and aging

Ruedi Aebersold  (ETHZ, CH), Nahum Sonenberg (McGILL, CA), Dafna Bar Sagi (NYU, US), Michael Karin (UCSD, US), Ludo Van Den Bosch (VIB, KU-Leuven, BE)                    

Abstracts Posters Workshop