29 septembre 2014 à 3 octobre 2014
International Center for Theoretical Physics
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

On cohomological invariants of complex manifolds

2 oct. 2014, 15:30
Adriatico Building, Kastler Lecture Hall (International Center for Theoretical Physics)

Adriatico Building, Kastler Lecture Hall

International Center for Theoretical Physics

Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste Italy


Adriano TOMASSINI (Parma)


We will focus on algebraic aspects of the $\delta_1\delta_2$-Lemma for bounded double complexes, characterizing it in terms of special cohomologies. We will apply such a result to complex and symplectic manifolds. We will also report on some results on Dolbeault-Massey triple products.

Documents de présentation