Cours de l'IHES­­ 2016-2017

Resurgence and Quantization (4/6)

par Prof. Maxim KONTSEVICH (IHES)

Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons (IHES)

Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons


Le Bois-Marie 35, route de Chartres 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette

Cours des Professeurs permanents de l'IHES


There are two canonical ``quantizations'' of symplectic manifolds:


\item Deformation quantization, associating with any (C, analytic, algebraic over field of characteristic zero)

symplectic manifold (M,ω) a sheaf of catgeories, which is locally equivalent to categories of modules over quantized algebras

OM[[]] where the ``Planck constant'' is formal parameter.

\item Fukaya category F(M,ω) associated to a \emph{real} C symplectic manifold,

with the morphism space between objects corrsponding to Lagrangian subvarieties L1,L2M given by Floer homology HF(L1,L2).

This is an A-category (an analog of triangulated category) linear over the Novikov field consisting of formal sums

\[c_1 e^{-\frac{A_1}{\hbar}}+ c_2 e^{-\frac{A_2}{\hbar}}+\dots, \quad \text{ where } c_i\in \mathbb{Q},A_i\in \mathbb{R},\lim_i A_i=+\infty\]


The goal of my course is to unify these two quantizations, proposing the following conjecture, a generalization of Riemann-Hilbert correspondence (joint work with Y.Soibelman):


{\it For a symplectic algebraic variety (M,ω) over C together with an approriate data at infinity, the formal deformation quantization gives an analytic in family of categories of holonomic modules over the quantized space, and this family of categories for 0 is equivalent

to the Fukaya category of M considerd as a C manifold, endowed with the symplectic form (ω/)

and B-field (ω/).}



The general construction is a mixture of Fukaya categories, deformation quantization and of wall-crossing formalism.

As a corollary we obtain

the resurgence properties of WKB solutions, conjectured long time ago. Exponentially small corrections coming from pseudo-holomorphic discs, upgrade a divergent formal power series in to a holomorphic function.


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