Cours des Professeurs permanents de l'IHES
There are two canonical ``quantizations'' of symplectic manifolds:
\item Deformation quantization, associating with any (
symplectic manifold
\item Fukaya category
with the morphism space between objects corrsponding to Lagrangian subvarieties
This is an
\[c_1 e^{-\frac{A_1}{\hbar}}+ c_2 e^{-\frac{A_2}{\hbar}}+\dots, \quad \text{ where } c_i\in \mathbb{Q},A_i\in \mathbb{R},\lim_i A_i=+\infty\]
The goal of my course is to unify these two quantizations, proposing the following conjecture, a generalization of Riemann-Hilbert correspondence (joint work with Y.Soibelman):
{\it For a symplectic algebraic variety
to the Fukaya category of
The general construction is a mixture of Fukaya categories, deformation quantization and of wall-crossing formalism.
As a corollary we obtain
the resurgence properties of WKB solutions, conjectured long time ago. Exponentially small corrections coming from pseudo-holomorphic discs, upgrade a divergent formal power series in