This workshop aims at gathering experts about the discreization and numerical solution of evolution equations which have a gradient flow structure in the Wasserstein space, in particular exploiting the time discretization given by the JKO scheme.
The aim is to keep a working group atmosphere and encourage discussions and interactions as much as possible between participants. It will be a small-size workshop with approximately ten speakers and we aim at approximately 30 participants.
The workshop is fully funded by the ERC advanced grant "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the JKO Scheme" (EYAWKAJKOS).
Clément Cancès (Inria Université de Lille)
Guillaume Carlier (Université Paris-Dauphine)
Katy Craig (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Daniel Matthes (Technische Universität München)
Quentin Mérigot (Université Paris-Saclay)
André Schlichting (Universität Ulm)
Bernhard Schmitzer (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Marie-Therese Wolfram (University of Warwick)