Soutenances de thèses de doctorat

A cluster theoretic approach to some problems in representation theory and geometry

par M. Luca Francone

Salle Fokko du Cloux

Salle Fokko du Cloux


Le jury se composé de :

  • Castravet Ana-Maria
  • Davison Ben
  • Hernandez David
  • Kamnitzer Joel
  • Legendre Eveline
  • Ressayre Nicolas
  • Vergne Michèle


Résumé : In this talk we will discuss some applications of the theory of cluster algebras to representation theory of algebraic groups and geometry. Namely, we will discuss the study of the branching problem for reductive groups and of the Cox ring of algebraic varieties. All the applications of cluster theory discussed here are made possible by a new technique called minimal monomial lifting, that will present.