Organisers: Leonid Berlyand, Carles Blanch-Mercader, Eric Clement, Anke Lindner
Scientific Committee
- Laetitia Giraldi (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France)
- Jean-François Joanny (Collège de France)
- Raphaël Voituriez (Laboratorie Jean Perrin)
Thematic 3-weeks programme at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, May 26 to June 13, 2025.
Week 1 - minicourses for students,
Week 2 - international conference
Week 3 - focused discussion groups
1st Location. May 26 to 28 & June 10 to 13: new IHP Perrin building.
2nd Location. June 2 to 6. Conference: Borel building, IHP:
Beware: It was reported to us that scammers are sending to participants fraudulent e-mails about accommodation/fees. Please be particularly cautious about e-mails not coming from the organisers nor from an address.
Presentation of the programme
This program will bring lectures for graduate students and young researchers from May 26 to May 28, an international conference on the program's topic from June 2 to 6, and discussions in small focused groups (TBA) for the week of June 10 to June 13. This program will bring together physicists and applied mathematicians, promising a reciprocal benefit to both fields. Specifically, new minimal models can be developed by incorporating experimental data, and novel mathematical tools can be created to address the current challenges that are unique to active matter.
Three minicourses for students: Introduction to mathematics and physics of active matter.
May 26 to 28, IHP, Perrin building
The lectures will consist of three sessions, each lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes. The topic of the mini-courses will be on mathematical and experimental approaches to studying active matter. These lectures will be primarily aimed at graduate students and young researchers. The list of lectures is:
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Leonid Berlyand, Pennsylvania State University |
Eric Clement, PMMH-ESPCI, Sorbonne Université |
Ignacio Pagonabarraga Mora, Universitat Barcelona |
Beware: The 29th and the 30th of May are national holidays in France.
Conference Week: June 2 to 6, IHP, Borel Building
List of confirmed speakers:
Adar, Ram Technion |
Appert-Rolland, Cécile Université Paris-Saclay |
Bechinger, Clement University of Konstanz |
Berlyand, Leonid Pennsylvania State University |
Carrillo, José Antonio University of Oxford |
Chaté, Hugues CEA-Saclay |
Clement, Eric PMMH-ESPCI, Sorbonne Université |
Duerinckx, Mitia Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Fauci, Lisa Tulane University |
Figueroa Morales, Nuris University of Colorado Boulder |
Hoffmann, Franca Caltech |
Laux, Tim Regensburg University |
López León, Teresa ESPCI |
Marciniak-Czochra, Anna Heidelberg University |
Mellet, Antoine University of Maryland |
Mogilner, Alex New York University |
Morozov, Alexander University of Edinburgh |
Ohm, Laurel University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio Universitat Barcelona |
Perthame, Benoit Sorbonne Université |
Peruani, Fernando CY Cergy Paris Université |
Recho, Pierre Université Grenoble Alpes |
Safsten, Alex University of Maryland |
Secchi, Eleonora ETH Zurich |
Soto, Rodrigo Universidad de Chile |
Taute, Katja Leipzig University |
Tang, Min Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Tournus, Magali Institut Mathématique de Marseille |
Vlahovska, Petia Northwestern University |
Volpe, Giovanni University of Gothenburg |
Wan, Kristy University of Exeter |
Weiss, Mathias Universität Bayreuth |
Focused discussions: Challenges in modeling active matter.
June 10 to 13, IHP, Perrin building
Discussion in small and focused groups on the topics of the program will be organized.
The preliminary list of topics for scientific group discussions:
- Stability and bifurcations in active matter
- Coarse-grained descriptions of active suspensions
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