Parallel IO and in situ analytics: High-performance data handling @ Exascale

Training room (Maison de la Simulation)

Training room

Maison de la Simulation

bat. 565, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX
Julien Bigot (CEA)

Parallel IO and in situ analytics

High-performance data handling @ Exascale

2024, June 4 to 7

Maison de la Simulation, together with the Exa-DoST and Exa-DI projects of NumPEx organize a free Parallel IO and in situ analytics: High-performance data handling @ Exascale training.

Over 3.5 days, from Tuesday, June the 4th 1PM to Friday, June the 7th, learn about the must-know tools for high-performance input-output on supercomputers and discover the latest tools for in situ data analytics. From ADIOS to PDI, meet the developers of the leading tools in their category as well as IO administrators of the top French national super-computing facility. 


The increase in computational power goes hand in hand with an increase in the amount of data to manage. At Exascale, IO can easily become the main performance bottleneck. Understanding parallel file system mechanisms and parallel IO libraries becomes critical to leverage the latest supercomputers.

With the increasing performance gap between compute and storage, even the best use of IO bandwidth might even not be enough. In this case, in situ analytics become a requirement to exploit Exascale at its peak.


This course introduces the concepts, libraries and tools for IO and in situ data handling to make the best of the top available computing power and storage technologies:


Discover the full program of the evenment


Registration is free, but mandatory. Lunch is provided. Travel, diner or accommodation expenses are at the charge of the participants.

How to come?

Digiteo Saclay building is located close to the Saclay CEA center but not inside. You do not need to enter the Saclay CEA center.

Most common GPS application can guide to you toward us.

You can get more information about public transportation on the MdlS website:

Registration: High-performance data handling @ Exascale
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